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Razza Rossa Reggiana (Red Reggiano breed) is an autochthonous breed of Northern Italy, characterized by a fromentino red coat. Red cows can be considered as the breed from which Parmigiano Reggiano was born because from their milk, in the abbeys of Benedictine monks, was born this cheese.
From this breed, less productive but more long-lived, is obtained a milk rich in calcium, proteins and phosphorus particularly suited for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano with a particularly intense taste.
Parmigiano-Reggiano Vacche Rosse, protected by the homonymous consortium, is not put on the market before 24 months of aging.
The Alpine Brown is a breed introduced in Italy since the 16th century and its spreading has involved the whole peninsula. Since the end of the last century it changed its name into Italian Brown, which derives from the characteristic color of its uniform or variable brown coat.
The Bruna breed is characterized by the production of milk with a high level of casein, the most favorable for cheesemaking, which allows higher production yields while ensuring high quality and a tasty product particularly delicate and well balanced. The Parmigiano Reggiano produced with this milk is identified and protected by the consortium trademark “disolabruna”.

The Bianca Modenese breed is a Slow Food presidium, formerly known as Carpigiana. It is the breed, already present in the mid-nineteenth century in the Modena area, characterized by the white coat that favored the development of the production of Parmigiano-Reggiano in these territories and, in recent decades, has been largely replaced by more productive breeds, making the milk of this breed an exclusive and sought after product. Its organoleptic characteristics make it particularly suitable for processing into Parmigiano-Reggiano, due to the excellent ratio between fat and protein and the high quality of its casein.
The product is normally matured for more than 24 months and has a strong taste and a fragrance with marked floral essences.
The Parmigiano Reggiano we called Gran Riserva is produced with Friesian milk. Frisona Italiana, with its black and white spotted coat, is the most common breed thanks to its high production capacity. This breed was introduced in the farms of the Po Valley since the end of the 1800s and since the middle of the last century it progressively replaced the Brown breed.
The Frisona breed guarantees quality milk in the high quantities necessary for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano which requires the use of 16 liters of milk for every kilo of finished product.
Our Gran Riserva is a product that has a minimum maturation of 18 months to reach the valuable 50 and 60 months which have a strong flavor, characteristic, which enhances the aromas and scents.

The origins of Grana Padano date back to the beginning of the second millennium, in the heart of lower Lombardy, in the area between the Po river in the south and Milan in the north, and bounded by the Adda and Mincio rivers. Documents of the twelfth century report the existence of the production of a hard and grainy cheese, which was spontaneously given the name of “grana”.
Grana Padano is produced with raw milk, to which is added rennet and lysozyme, a protein extracted from egg white, and salt. The taste is sweet and with more advanced aging it becomes more complex and at the end of 20 months of aging, it becomes Grana Padano Riserva.
Grana Padano DOP is protected by the mark of Consorzio Grana Padano and it is produced with milk obtained from cows fed with fresh forages, hay or preserved for silage.
Val Padana
Provolone takes its name from the fact that it was the “test” cheese that was spun before the Caciocavallo, in order to verify its correct spinning. With time, it has been known and appreciated also thanks to the possibility of creating the extravagant shapes which characterize it: pear or melon, salami, truncated cone and flask-shaped. The last one is the most common and it is the one for which it is best known in the world.
Provolone is a spun paste cheese produced with cow’s milk, with a smooth and very compact texture which can be produced in two variants: sweet or piquant. It is distinguished from other pasta filata cheeses for its quality of being able to age for a long time, more than one year, without drying out and without becoming a hard cheese to be grated. Provolone today is a typical cheese of the Po Valley, born from the encounter between the tradition of spun paste cheese of southern Italy and the great quantity of milk available in the north.

The name “Caciocavallo” originates either from the custom of hanging cheeses, tied in pairs, on a beam to dry, or from the fact of shaping the cheese “like a horse”.
Caciocavallo is a semi-hard spun paste cheese with coagulation by acidity of fermentation, originally produced in three different geographical areas: Balkans, Russia and Italy. In our country, the Caciocavallo, was an exclusive production of the southern regions, but, since the end of the last century, its production has spread throughout Italy, especially in the Po Valley.
The shape is generally spherical, oval, or truncated cone and varies according to the different geographical areas of production. The paste is homogeneous or with slight holes, white or straw-yellow in color, and has a sweet flavor that tends toward piquant when the cheese is matured.
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